Website or content with bad copy will lose your reader’s attention faster than good copy can catch it. If you’re not a writer, coming up with engaging headlines, content, or call to actions, can be though! But, don’t fret! We’re here to give you a couple of tips that will change your view about coming […]

5 Steps to Get More Clients

Building a recognizable personal brand will attract many opportunities and clients if done right.
✓ It will help you get noticed and stand out
✓ Find new contacts and clients for your company/brand
✓ More customers = more moolah!
How Do You Attract More Clients if You Want to Make More Money?

Six Ways to Create a Winning Brand or Design

“There are three responses to a piece of design – yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for.” — Milton Glaser When it comes to building a brand, your web design, digital and print marketing, should portray that “WOW” that Milton Glaser is talking about. Whether you create the branding and the designs […]

FREE Insta Story Templates

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.19″] Are you social? Do you use Insta besides Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest? How well do you know Instagram? Are you taking advantage of Insta Stories? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this post is for you!So….Yeah….I’m giving you these FREE Insta Story Templates! I know you love freebies…..I sure […]

10 Steps to Ensure Your Website or Business is GDPR Compliant

Have you heard about GDPR and you have no idea what it is and if it does apply to you? If you are a small business owner, if you’re home-based business owner, if you’re a network marketer or an online marketer, if you have a big company, if you have a website, it doesn’t matter […]

7 Ways to Monetize Your Blog

You started a blog because you wanted to express your take on a particular topic….Blogs are great that no matter how it is. You do your research, put together all the pieces and you write blog posts and post content. This makes you feel all warm and fuzzy. You put a lot of work into it… But […]

10 Smart Ways to Earn Money From Home

If you would have asked me 6 years ago whether I believed I could work for myself or earn a full-time income–one that would allow both me and my husband to quit our jobs I would have laughed in your face. Even just 3 years ago, after I started writing RFG, when I told my husband […]

10 Reasons Why You Should Have Your Own Branded Website

There aren’t businesses today that can survive without having their own websites. Regardless if you are a small business, somebody who owns an online business, or you simply want to create your personal presence online, you MUST have a website.  Building a basic website is fairly easy. It does not require extensive technical knowledge. You […]

WordPress.com Versus WordPress.org: Which is Better?

Are you confused which WordPress platform to choose for your blog or website? Have you compared all the blogging platforms and you narrowed down your website to WordPress but you are not sure which version to choose? Should you choose the self-hosted WordPress.org or WordPress.com as the base of your website or blog? Many beginners, […]